Thursday, June 26, 2008


What are information products?

Information products are products that teach and show people how to accomplish or achieve a particular result.For instance,an information product could teach you how to loose weight,how to make money online,how to become a professional golfer,e.t.c

There are many formats in which an information product can be created or packaged.Some of them include:

3.An eBook
4.A home study course
5.A software
6.Multi-media kits

There are other formats as well but these should do for now.
None of the the above information products aree hard to create if you know how to go about it and have the necessary software.

For instance,to create an eBook,all you need is to create it in Microsoft Word (or any other word processor like Open Office or Abiword) and once you're through,you convert it to a PDF using a PDF converter.There are many free ones online.Of course,you could buy Adobe Acrobat Professional which is the grand daddy of them all but if you are just starting out and are on a shoe-string budget,you may not be able to afford the $299 or so that it retails for.

So simply go to and download a free PDF converter.This will also do the job for you. And've created your first information product.

To create a video product with you teaching people how to do something,you'll need to invest in a good camera and some other equipment.Again,you may not be able to afford this as a rookie.

So you could create a screencast.This is simply a recording of your computer screen.People see what you are doing and also hear you speaking as you do so.To do this,you will need Camtasia Studio which also retails for $299.However,you could get the free version which is called Cam Studio.Anothe software is also Jing,also by the creators of Camtasia Studio and Cam Studio-Tech Smith.

"How about creating software?I'm not a programmer after all".Well relax because you don't have to be a programmer to create software.All you need is to know the type of software you'll like to have created and the features you will want it to have.The rest cvan be farmed out.

There are lots of freelance sites on the internet where you can post a request to have something created for you and lots of people will respond.Some of these sites include:

Search Google and you'll be able to come up with some more.
By now I'm sure you're seeing that you too can become an infoproduct creator.There is no product listed above which you cannot create either by yourself or by farming it out.

In the next article,we will look at how to conduct market research to know what the market wants before we start creating an info product.

Adeniji Ayodeji is a professional copywriter,marketing consultant and infopreneur that can help you to maximize your business profits amongst other things.Please visit his site at to read other articles.For more information about his services,please send him an email at
dejiadeniji2004 AT yahoo dot com. Tags:
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